Mission Impossible
1. First you'll be assigned to a team of 4-5 members.

2. You and your team  will be given a few minutes to negotiate and decide on what cultural trait each of you will be in charge of researching.

List of Traits:
  •    Food/Diet/Dress/Costumes
  •      Art/Dance/Music
  •      Family (structure/function)/Government(structure/function)
  •       Religion (structure/function/sacred)
  •       Technology (tools/weapons/machines)/Communication (spoken language, written language, sign language, drums, symbols, drawings)

 3. Once you know your mission, then you will find an expert partner from one of the other  teams.  Your research will be done together.

 4. You will need to keep notes.  These notes should include all the information that you find in your area of expertise.   You will be returning to your home group teaching the other members of your team how your cultural trait help us form ideas to answer the question, "How does culture affect our life?".

 5.  Begin your research!  Find your trait experts and a laptop and get to reading the sites on the web or the books available from the library.  All sources have lots of information for you.

 6 . When you have finished your research and have taken lots of notes return to your home group. You will now play the role of teacher and share your expert knowledge about your cultural trait with the members of your home group.

Web Resources:
You can also use your Social Studies Textbook, Encyclopedias, or other books in the library.